Thomas R. Mullen – Attorney

Attorney Thomas R. Mullen
Quincy attorney Thomas R. Mullen may help you obtain Medicaid without spending down most, if not all, your hard-earned lifetime of savings. Most people are unaware of this option, and this is why Tom dedicates himself to helping seniors preserve their assets. He has been an attorney for over 40 years; and he has nearly 30 years of experience using the available techniques and strategies which allow seniors in nursing homes to protect their assets and keep their homes. For married couples, Tom has been known to reduce the payment to a nursing home from an average of $13,000 to $1,500 per month—often less—even if one of them is already in a nursing home! In addition, if you are not in a nursing home, you can still give money away despite what well-intentioned friends or professionals may tell you.
Elder Law is a highly specialized practice area that works with clients facing a constantly changing set of laws. Elder Law attorneys help protect loved one as they move into this phase of their life.
Medicaid Planning
Medicaid planning is a legal process of protecting property and assets from the high cost of nursing home care. It is a specialized area of law that is increasingly important as a our nation gets older.
Estate Planning
Estate planning is one of the most important steps any person can take to make sure that their final property and health care wishes are honored, and that loved ones are provided for in their absence. Live website chat.
Important Medicaid Checklist
- Medicaid Planning, a highly specialized form of Elder Law, combines the disciplines of Estate Planning and Financial Planning.
- Massachusetts as well as the Federal Government constantly changes Medicaid Laws. As your Medicaid Attorney, I guarantee the services I provide are in compliance with current laws.
- As nursing home stays become more expensive, the need for Medicaid Planning in advance becomes even more critical. What was a lifetime of savings may well be wiped out in a few short years.
- In emergency situations where advance planning was not done and a loved one has entered a nursing home, financial disaster can still be avoided.
Tom helped my father who had dementia which allowed my mother to keep her life savings. Working with Tom helped protect my family from astronomical nursing home the expenditures . My family and I were very pleased and highly recommend Tom.Diane Glionna, Boston Area
My husband was in the nursing home and I needed help. Tom did a magnificent job saving my property. He did an awful lot of work putting the paperwork together and did everything so fast. Then after my husband passed I liked Tom so much I wanted him to put my will together and Tom did a great job with that too. As you get older you need someone you can trust and Tom Mullen was that Attorney for me.Jane Hardy, South Boston